Wednesday 31 January 2007

first time in my life posting

thanks to Mr. faizad.
Due to his contribution in creating a blog for us
i finally managed to post a very first post!

poor little angel got a severe cut on her toes
this devil just got to say,
and ya,
your picture is kinda gross,
like the movie SAWIII !

but still i feel its quite fresh and interesting to put this kind of stuff onto the blog..
haha..add some eerie "atmosphere" to it.

and ya the picture over there is my favorite character - Dante
He is a devil.

10 things you guys just have to know about me:

1. I look like a "ah beng", but actually i am one.

2. Devil is what some people call me.

3. i want to have white dyed hair

4. i love tattoos

5. i look fierce and unapproachable, but seriously i'm not.

6. I love to eat

7. I love carrots

8. I like to shop for clothes

9. i don't eat fried food

10. I like to go for the extreme
Hey people, we do have a class blog in case you do not know. Do leave a tag at Thank you [:


Tuesday 30 January 2007


Hello humans once again. Please be kind and blog because this class blog looks more like my own personalised blog. Don't worry, I do have a blog. You people need not let me have the luxury of scamming over here. PLEASE!!!!!!! BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday 26 January 2007

The angel is hurtT_T

People, the angel is hurt. She kicked the socket-like thing on the pillar in the dance room and cut 3 of her toes. The cut was so deep that the blood was practically flooding the wounds. The doctor says that if she had cut them abit deeper, she could have cut my nerves as well. This may result in the lost of her toes. Does this mean that she's lucky? How ironic... For now, she is not able to reach lessons on time as she cannot walk quickly, and she cannot do p.e. :( The pictures at the bottom are pictures of the angel's injury. If people find them too gruesome, please inform the angel and she will take it away. Thank you.

This was before the doctor saved the angel's toes.

This was after.

Just dropping by

HEY! I have finally decided to check my email and accept the invitation!

Seems like it's quite deserted over here. Are others like too shy to post? Come on people!

Oh ya! Miss angel! Thanks for adding life and 'excitment' to this blog. =)

Come on! Don't let this blog become yet another deserted, lifeless, little webpage!

Thursday 25 January 2007

I'm a nice angel's the angel again!!! I'm just here to say that members of class 4B should be glad that I'm one of your classmates. I'm currently going through the trouble of advertising out class blog to our classmates. Aren't I such a nice angel? ^-^

Just a reminder...

Hello.. this is Kahhan a.k.a Kaka for informality.

Just a gentle reminder that there will be a comprehension test on the 29th and 30th of January.
The reason I chose to write the reminder here is to keep the blog alive, and to keep the whiteboard free of messy messages.

Too bad I can't type Chinese characters here, or else I would be fined!

Anyways, if you want to check out my personal blog, please click here!

I'm officially the first person to blog!!!!

Hurray!!!! I'm the one to start the ball rolling on this blog. Please do not misunderstand, I'm just here to be the first and that is all. Have you guessed who I am? Let me give you a hint: I'm a classmate of class 4B. :) Isn't that such a useful hint?? Anyway, the blog is as liveless as a graveyard. However, have no fear cause the angel's here! As an angel, I've done the part in bringing life to this blog but I cannot do this alone. I need help from humans like you too. Hence, I urge all of you to play a part in the saving of the class blog. PLEASE POST!!!!!!

ps: I'm having a hard time blogging in perfect english language over here. I think most of the sentences I wrote are faulty. What can you say, no angels are perfect...... :)